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New Castle Chrysler High School
Class of 1980 Alumni

Join us for the New Castle Chrysler High School Class of 1980 45-year Reunion, where alumni can reconnect, reminisce, and celebrate the cherished memories and friendships from our school days.

Reunion News

Watch This Space for Breaking News and Information about upcoming Class of 1980 Events

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Dear Classmates,

I can hardly believe it's been 45 years since we walked across that stage and began our journey through life! It feels like just yesterday we were celebrating our high school milestones, and now we're gearing up for a reunion that promises to be filled with laughter, memories, and reconnection.

Our 45th reunion  is coming up in August, 2025, and it is going to be a fantastic night of reminiscing and celebrating the friendships that have lasted through the years. Whether you've been to every reunion, or it's your first time back, this will be an opportunity to relive the moments that shaped who we are today.

I look forward to seeing all of you there, catching up, and making new memories to cherish for years to come.  It's going to be a great celebration.

A very special thank you to the noble group of classmates that have taken time out of their lives to put this together.  You guys are awesome!

Mark your calendars and get ready for a memorable weekend!


Barry Beck

Senior Class President

Dear Class of 1980, ​

"No, I cannot forget from where it is that I come from, I cannot forget the people who love me..." --John Mellencamp

Only happy memories of my high school days! Well, except for the grueling moment's in Paul Crousore's office. As for classmates, nothing but fond thoughts. I've lost contact with some, but you all played a part in my life.

High school was a hopeful, positive, uncomplicated time. It seemed that every teacher, administrator, parent, etc. wanted to make sure that this was the best time of our lives. We had the greatest high school spirit in the state packing into the Fieldhouse on Friday nights, cruising Broad Street, and always rooting for our clubs and athletics. We are forever tied to one another.

As for being Vice-President of our class, this was something Barry Beck and I dreamed up in 6th hour study hall. That is, the times we actually sat in study hall, too tempting to make a fast break! We decided Barry should be President because there was no way a girl could become President. We probably underestimated you all! As class officers, we implemented the plan for personal parking spaces. This concept ended up going viral, and when I visited the school a few years ago, I was overwhelmed with the tradition and creativity.

We had spirit, conviction, kindness, and grace. We are an outstanding class, and our spirit lives on.


Linda Bunton-Holland

Class Vice President


Upcoming Events

Reunion Details

Gather for our Class Reunion, 45 years later! It's a wonderful opportunity to reconnect, reminisce, and celebrate the memories we've created together. We can't wait to see everyone and share stories from the past and catch up on life's blessings after graduation.  Mark your calendars and get ready for an evening of fun and friendship!

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                        Saturday, August 30, 2025

                1414 Venue located at 1414 Broad St.

  • Happy Hour 5:30 - Cash Bar

  • Buffet served at 6:30

RSVP by clicking on the GREEN BUTTON ABOVE and completing the registration form.  Even if you are not attending, complete the form to assist in maintaining a class contact list!  


Cost per person $40 for classmates, $25 for your +1


Use the QR code on this page to remit payment via VENMO or pay at the door.


What's on the Menu?​



Chicken salad croissants

Meat,cheese, and cracker tray

Fruit tray

Vegetable tray

Delicious desserts!


Please use this QR code to pay using Venmo 


Your reunion committee is working on opportunities for more reunion fun and will be posting details here over the next few months.  Visit Often!


Scan the QR code to submit payment via Venmo!

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Activities & Programs

The reunion will feature a variety of exciting activities, including live music featuring your classmate, Scooter Hanes, nostalgic photo galleries, a 50/50 raffle, a silent auction, and opportunities to donate to the alumni legacy fund.

Be sure to RSVP by clicking the RSVP button, located above, and completing the registration form and submitting your payment.

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